
Paskal: Leading the Charge in Industrial High-Speed Doors Innovation

16 Jul, 2024

Discover how Paskal Zippers revolutionize industrial high-speed doors, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and safety in various industrial settings.

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The 4 W’s (and 1 H) of PVC Weldable Zippers

09 May, 2021

What are the advantages of welding a zipper rather than sewing it?

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COVID – 19 Pandemic increases demand for shade related products

03 Mar, 2021

A study done by the "Specialty Fabrics Review" magazine (Feb 2021 / By: Jeff Moravec) has found that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased demand for many products related to the shade market. There are several reasons for it:

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What is a ZipKeder? What are its advantages over the traditional Keder system?

08 Oct, 2020

The Zip Keder was engineered and designed to replace the existing Keder by providing better solutions and added value. Like the Keder, the Zip Keder is the "mediator" between the fabric and the track/rail/structure‘s frame.

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Where hurricanes will landfall in 2022? How to prepare against hurricanes?

27 Aug, 2020

GWO’s senior research scientist Professor David Dilley says that the upcoming season (2022) will again have a near 100% probability for yet another active and destructive United States and Atlantic Basin hurricane landfalls.

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