COVID – 19 Pandemic increases demand for shade related products

03 Mar, 2021

  • Prohibiting indoor gathering during the pandemic has increased the need for outdoor gathering spaces and therefore the need to enhance them with shade and shelter products.
  • With workplace shut down and travel limited, people focused more on their homes and outdoor spaces during 2020.
  • People were stuck at home, the economy was still relatively good, families had extra money from not going on vacation and not eating out – spending their money on home improvements and outdoor enhancing products.

As 2021 gets underway shade related business are looking forward to continuing high level of activity since the COVID-19 pandemic is still around and the summer season is right around the corner.

Paskal Zippers & Fasteners works closely with many shade and sun protection producers providing them with a wide range of "guiding rail" zippers for Motorized retractable screens and ZipKeders for awnings, canopies and sunshades.


Paskal's ZipKeder used in awnings and sun shades


Paskal's screen zippers used in Motorized retractable screens






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